A Bank
for 50 years together with you

A history of cooperation,
solidarity and shared development.




We believe it is the values
of solidarity and participation,
which stimulate the economic
and social progress of every territory.
On these foundations, on 28 February, 50 years ago,
Cassa Centrale Banca was born.



The Gruppo Bancario Cassa Centrale Banca is set up:
the completion of a cooperative growth process
which saw the agreements among the
Federations of Trentino, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia
and partnerships with the banks of the North-East.
This is the scenario in which it joins the shareholding structure of DZ Bank:
this collaboration marks an important bond
between German and Italian cooperative traditions,
promoting a spirit of transnational solidarity.



With the reform of Credito Cooperativo in 2016,
the solidity of everything we have built
enabled us to face and overcome a new challenge:
that of evolving, but while maintaining our identity and our values.



The 1-billion Euro capital threshold is reached
as envisaged by the Credito Cooperativo reform law.
A concrete and very tangible result, bearing witness to the trust
of all the Banks in the project.
An important instrument which enables us to guarantee
solidity and stability to all our Shareholders,
strengthens our mission to develop and grow the territory.



The first Gruppo Bancario Cooperativo is set up in Italy:
which brings together banks, companies and the parent company
under a common identity, in a modern structure which looks to the future.

On 1 January 2024 Gruppo Cassa Centrale
celebrates 5 years since its foundation.
On 28 February 2024 Cassa Centrale Banca
celebrates 50 years since its creation.


Common good

This story has been written
thanks to the commitment of the people who every day
put their trust in their community and in the value of collaboration.
They are the fragments of all these lives
which have made, and will continue to make, the history
of Cassa Centrale Banca and of the Group.
The goal, today as yesterday, is to promote
the wellbeing of people and the development of the territories where we live.

Riunione Logo Letter Head Office Verona Bari Cooperation Signature Borsa Milano Bolognesi

“…it is thanks to our common “pioneering” spirit if we have managed to realise the dream of creating a Group all of our own and of overcoming the objective difficulties which have characterised the socioeconomic scenario in recent years.”

SANDRO BOLOGNESI Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director

“…We are the proof that it is possible to be a bank in a different way: we are making forward-looking choices to guarantee our Shareholders and clients the opportunities a large banking group can offer without forgetting our roots and our values.”

Today’s voices

“…it is thanks to our common “pioneering” spirit if we have managed to realise the dream of creating a Group all of our own and of overcoming the objective difficulties which have characterised the socioeconomic scenario in recent years.”
Foto Giorgio Fracalossi
“…We are the proof that it is possible to be a bank in a different way: we are making forward-looking choices to guarantee our Shareholders and clients the opportunities a large banking group can offer without forgetting our roots and our values.”
Foto Sandro Bolognesi
SANDRO BOLOGNESIChief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Italia e logo

Close to all of you

We are present throughout the Italian territory with our local banks, allowing us to combine the values that have always distinguished us: Solidity, Cooperation, and Proximity.

A widespread presence capable of supporting the needs of communities, individuals, and businesses.


Discover all the banks of the group

All the stages in our history

On 28 February 1974 Cassa Centrale
delle Casse Rurali Trentine S.p.A.
was set up.
The founding members are the 133
Casse Rurali operating in Trentino.
Agreements are signed between
the Federations of Trentino, Veneto
and Friuli Venezia Giulia and
and NEAM SA is set up, an asset management company
set up under the law of Luxembourg.
The Bank adopts the new name of
Cassa Centrale
delle Casse Rurali Trentine
e delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo
del Nord Est S.p.A..
The Gruppo Bancario Cassa Centrale Banca is created.
Centrale finanziaria del Nord Est SpA
becomes the Parent company
and DZ Bank an important shareholder (25%)
in Cassa Centrale Banca.
The Credito Cooperativo reform becomes law.
Parliament converts into law the Decree Law
of 14 February 2016.
On 13 October 2016 in Verona
Cassa Centrale Banca announces the project.
Over 100 cooperative banks, savings banks
and Raika Ritten banks join the newly established
Gruppo Bancario Cooperativo
Cassa Centrale Banca,
subscribing the share capital increase.
On 1 January 2019 the Gruppo Cassa Centrale -
Credito Cooperativo Italiano comes into being,
the first cooperative banking group in Italy.
The ECB classifies Gruppo Cassa Centrale
as a «significant» supervised entity.
Gruppo Cassa Centrale passes
the Comprehensive Assessment
to which it is subjected by the European Central Bank (ECB).
The results confirm
efficiency and solidity of Gruppo Cassa Centrale.
On 1 January 2024 Gruppo Cassa Centrale
celebrates the 5th anniversary of its foundation.
On 28 February 2024
Cassa Centrale Banca
celebrates 50 years since its creation.
On 19 May 2024 NEAM,
the asset management company
of the NEF fund,
reaches the 25-year landmark
since its establishment.