Check on authenticity of the guarantee
As from 1 January 2024 the provisions as set out in art. 106, paragraph 3, of Italian Leg. Decree no. 36 of 31 March 2023 (New Public Tender Code) came into force. This envisages that the guarantee required to take part in a public procedure must be issued and digitally signed by a bank or by another authorised intermediary.
Lawmakers have also ordered that the guarantee can be verified online with the issuer or by using platforms that operate with technologies based on registers distributed pursuant to article 8-ter, paragraph 1, of Italian Decree-Law no. 135 of 14 December 2018, converted, as amended, by Law no. 12 of 11 February 2019, which conform to the characteristics established by the AGID.
ANAC, in Invitation to Tender Model no. 1/2023 approved with resolution no. 309 of 27 June 2023, recognised the issuer’s website as the only means for online verification.
Who can check the truthfulness and authenticity of public guarantees?
The commissioning body to which the guarantee was presented.
How is the check on the issuer’s website carried out?
In order to be able to check the authenticity of the guarantee, it is necessary to hold the access credentials which can only be requested by registered e-mail to:, indicating the following information: Tax Code or VAT no. of the commissioning body making the request.
Once the access credentials have been received from the Bank by certified e-mail, the check on the guarantee can be carried out by consulting the following link: and inputting the information requested there.
Once the password has expired, the commissioning body must arrange to request new access credentials.
In the case of using incorrect credentials, after three unsuccessful attempts access to the website will be denied for the commissioning body and it must ask the Bank for new credentials.