Guided by our cooperative values, we promote the definition of a sustainable path to achieve the well-being of shareholders, people and local areas in which we operate in order to pass it on to future generations.
We have developed a path consistent with our Mission and nature as a Cooperative Banking Group, also pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda defined by the United Nations. The path is guided by a structured ESG Governance model consisting of the Board of Directors, the Risks and Sustainability Committee and the Parent Company's ESG Steering Committee. The model is complemented by the Governance and the ESG-related organisational oversight functions of the Affiliated Banks and Subsidiaries.
Along the path we have taken, “Sustainability” means:

ensuring prudent and balanced management to continue fulfilling our role of serving the local Communities in which we operate.

Cooperative Credit
enhancing our first-hand knowledge and privileged relationship with cooperating members, resulting from our deep territorial roots as local banks.

combining the autonomy of our banks with the economies of scale and synergies that derive from being a cooperative banking group.
The Cassa Centrale Group's Sustainability Plan
The Sustainability Plan defines the Group’s ESG strategy, which leverages the distinctive characteristics of cooperative banking, and sets the goal of accompanying customers and the communities in which it operates in the environmental and social transition.
Here below are the ESG areas covered by the 2024-2027 Sustainability Plan, the strategic objectives, and the main initiatives.

Strategic objectives:
- Making consumption more efficient;
- Reducing the carbon footprint of operations and portfolios.
Main activities:
- Energy efficiency;
- Setting decarbonisation targets;
- Obtaining environmental certification systems.

Strategic objectives:
- Enhancing cooperative distinctiveness;
- Mitigating the environmental and social impacts of the value chain.
Main activities:
- Investing in the acquisition of young members;
- Selecting and monitoring suppliers according to ESG criteria for a responsible supply chain.

Strategic objectives:
- Enhancing governance on ESG issues;
- Supporting projects with social and environmental aims with the issue of GSS Bonds.
Main activities:
- Maintenance of variable incentive systems connected to ESG targets;
- Issue of Green, Social, Sustainability retail bonds.

Strategic objectives:
- Developing ESG skills;
- Developing an inclusive environment and improving people’s wellbeing.
Main activities:
- Activation of specialist training programs;
- Activation of work-life balance programs;
- Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.

Strategic objectives:
- Financing the transition;
- Steering and promoting investment choices towards sustainability.
Main activities:
- Development of green products for companies and private individuals;
- Expansion of the product offer and sustainable investment solutions.