Cassa Centrale Group significantly above the minimum capital threshold requirements set in the SREP letter
Trento, 15.12.2022 – The European Central Bank issued the 2022 SREP decision for Cassa Centrale Banca at the end of its supervisory review and evaluation process.
The decision, which will take effect on 1 January 2023, confirms an additional Pillar II own funds requirement ("P2R") of 2.50%, of which at least 56.25% shall be composed of Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital and 75% of Tier1 capital.
Based on the Overall Capital Requirement (OCR), the minimum capital ratios, to be complied with on a consolidated basis, are the following: CET1 ratio of 8.41% and Total capital ratio of 13.00%.
As evidence of the high capitalisation reached by Cassa Centrale Group, as of 30 June 2022, Total Capital ratio amounted to 22.34% (21.39% fully loaded), a level significantly above the minimum capital threshold requirement.
The Group's capital is also of particularly high quality, being almost entirely composed of common equity. The CET 1 ratio was indeed 22.32% (21.36% fully loaded) at the end of the first half of 2022.