
More connected, side by side

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A suite of digital solutions always at your side.

Discover a world of functions that are always accessible. Manage your daily activities simply and quickly. And access a world of possibilities.

With Inbank you can manage your bank operations autonomously and easily, in complete security, both from your desktop and from the app.

Insurance products

Assicura Agenzia, the company controlled by Cassa Centrale Banca that defines and develops bank insurance products, offers concrete solutions to meet specific protection and risk management needs, as well as the social security and the savings needs of family and small and medium enterprises.

Asset Management

In order to find their way through the world of finance, which is constantly evolving and in which new opportunities arise day by day, an increasing number of investors rely on asset management services offered by professionals in the sector. Asset management is a form of investment which lets the saver entrust their wealth to a manager, delegating to them the choice of the financial instruments to invest in and the execution of the relevant transactions. The definition of the portfolio is based on careful analyses of the markets and close risk control.