Benchmark AM. Invest beyond your perspectives.
Benchmark AM are asset management plans designed by Cassa Centrale Banca which have an active management style entailing constant commitment on the part of the fund manager, in order to maximise the return in compliance with the degree of risk of the chosen management line.
The aim is to exceed the benchmark in the various market stages.
Benchmark PIR AM. Investing in Italian companies to achieve tax advantages.
The Benchmark AM PIR management strategies invest part of the assets in Italian small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to the Individual Savings Plan (Piano Individuale di Risparmio - PIR), you can help the real economy grow and achieve a tax advantage.
The offer includes four asset management lines designed to meet different investment needs, each characterised by a specific allocation between bonds and equities: Risparmio Italia 30, Risparmio Italia 50, Risparmio Italia Azionario and the new Risparmio Italia Obbligazionario.
Quantitative AM. Invest with the most advanced techniques.
Quantitative AM are asset management plans designed by Cassa Centrale Banca which, thanks to the application of cutting-edge mathematical models, offer the chance to use the most advanced techniques for quantitative portfolio allocation.
The aim is to combine the search for high performance with careful risk control.
Private AM. Invest by choosing every detail.
Private AM are asset management plans designed by Cassa Centrale Banca to satisfy the most demanding investors. The high degree of customisation in terms of portfolio composition makes Private AM a unique service dedicated to investors seeking solutions with attention to every detail. Within the Private AM plans, you can access, depending on the assets being managed, two investment areas: Silver Private AM and Gold Private AM.
Do you want to plan your investment?
You can activate your Programmed Investment Plan and gradually enter the asset management line, investing some of your assets in the short-term bond market. This amount will be reinvested at set deadlines and amounts in the financial instruments included in the asset management line. The plan aims to take up the opportunities offered by the markets, while mitigating volatility and can be activated should you open a new Asset Management line; make an additional contribution to the existing Asset Management line; change the existing Asset Management line. The maximum duration of the Plan is 2 years. The frequency of the instalment can be fortnightly, monthly, every two months, quarterly, every four months, or half yearly.

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• Advertising message for promotional purposes. This is not an offer or invitation to conclude a contract for the provision of portfolio management services. GP Benchmark, GP Quantitative and GP Private are investment services provided by Cassa Centrale Banca - Credito Cooperativo Italiano S.p.A. The information document and complete contractual conditions are available at the headquarters of Cassa Centrale Banca and at the branches of banks that market the services. For more information relating to sustainability issues, please refer to the Information on Asset Management Sustainability, available at the following address: https://www.cassacentrale.it/en/products/investment-solutions/asset-management/statement-sustainability-asset-management-operations.