Annual financial report 2023

Annual financial report 2022 Cover

Our 2023

Letter to the Shareholders

The year 2023 saw a wealth of activity and many positive results for our Cassa Centrale Group: all its constituent businesses once again demonstrated their capacity in terms of result generation, surpassing every optimistic expectation in terms of savings collected and new credit.

Giorgio Fracalossi

Summary data

The results we have achieved 5 years after the establishment of the Group testify to the relevance of a service model based on the relationship with the cooperative members, customers, and local communities of the 67 BCCs - Rural Banks - Raiffeisenkassen that are part of the Group.

2,396 mln€
Net interest Income
795 mln€
Net fees and commissions
871 mln€
Net Result

Group Structure

In 2019, we created the first Italian Cooperative Banking Group. The industrial and organizational structure is divided into two areas: the affiliated banks and the industrial group.

Group Structure

The Cassa Centrale Group consists of 3 entities:

  • 67 affiliated Cooperative Credit Banks control the majority of the capital of the Cooperative Banking Group
  • Cassa Centrale is the Parent Company and is responsible for the direction, Group coordination and control.
  • Subsidiaries provide services to local banks.

Local Presence

We are deeply rooted in various regions, including areas where other banks are absent, close to the unique characteristics that define our country. Our operations support the communities we represent, and we are committed to collaborating in order to create and share value.

Local Presence Map

Affiliated banks of the Cassa Centrale Group are distributed throughout Italy as follows:

  • 14 in Trentino-Alto Adige
  • 4 in Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • 5 in Veneto
  • 6 in Lombardia
  • 1 in Valle D’Aosta
  • 6 in Piemonte
  • 7 in Emilia-Romagna
  • 1 in Toscana
  • 1 in Umbria
  • 1 in Abruzzo
  • 5 nel Lazio
  • 3 in Campania
  • 7 in Puglia
  • 2 in Calabria
  • 3 in Sicilia

There are 67 member banks, with 1,480 Branches in 1,069 municipalities.

Cassa Centrale Bank's branches are present in:

  • Trentino-Alto Adige
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Veneto
  • Lombardia
  • Piemonte
  • Emilia-Romagna
  • Lazio
  • Puglia

Economic Results

Thanks to results achieved in 2023, we confirm our position at the top of the Italian banking sector for capitalization and solidity.

Capital ratios confirmed at the highest level in the Italian banking sector:

CET1 ratio
8,220 mln€
Consolidated Equity

Strategic plan

Approved at the end of June 2023, the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan updates the previous strategic plan and was developed with the full participation of our affiliated banks.

The pillars of our strategic plan

Business development based on the service model of territorial banking
Efficiency of the Group's business model
Attention to capital and risk profiles
Enhancement of human capital and integration of ESG logic

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