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Leave your information Filtra per: - Any - Corporate Financial Initiatives Rewards Price sensitive Filtra per parole chiave: Apply 2025 02.27.2025 Financial Price SensitiveCassa Centrale Group: Results for the year 2024 2024 12.20.2024 Financial Price SensitiveFitch improves the rating outlook of Cassa Centrale Banca to Positive 12.12.2024 Financial Price SensitiveSREP Process Outcome: Cassa Centrale Group well above the minimum capital requirements set by the ECB 11.27.2024 Financial Price SensitiveDBRS upgrades Cassa Centrale Banca's rating by one notch, raising it to BBB 10.29.2024 FinancialCassa Centrale Banca completes placement of first €100 million Senior Preferred green bond 09.18.2024 FinancialCassa Centrale Group: €1.3 billion in funds allocated to finance the green transition for households and businesses 08.29.2024 FinancialThe results achieved in the first half of 2024 consolidate the growth path of the Cassa Centrale Group 07.05.2024 FinancialCassa Centrale Group updates its four-year Strategic Plan for the period 2024–2027 06.07.2024 FinancialThe Shareholders' Meeting has approved the 2023 financial statements and examined the consolidated financial statements. Presentation of the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (NFS) for the year 2023 05.20.2024 FinancialNEAM celebrates 25 years and achieves new growth records 05.09.2024 FinancialAssicura continues to grow and approves the 2023 financial statements 05.02.2024 FinancialClaris Leasing (Cassa Centrale Group) continues its growth path alongside the affiliated banks and approves the 2023 financial statements 04.29.2024 FinancialPrestipay S.p.A. (Cassa Centrale Group): 2023 financial statements approved. Sustainable growth and innovation at the service of Banks 04.23.2024 FinancialAllitude approves the 2023 Financial Statements: projects and investments are on the rise, reflecting the Cassa Centrale Group's strong drive for technological innovation 04.16.2024 FinancialThe Cassa Centrale Group and Banca Finint conclude a factoring transaction for € 41 million on the BlinkS platform 04.09.2024 FinancialAnfir and Cassa Centrale Banca: the priority is development of local businesses 03.20.2024 FinancialWith “Future Guarantee”, the Cassa Centrale Group consolidates its partnership with SACE to support the growth and sustainable transition of Italian companies 02.23.2024 FinancialThe Cassa Centrale Group begins negotiations for the definition of a strategic partnership agreement with Worldline Merchant Services Italia 02.22.2024 Financial Price SensitiveCassa Centrale Group: 2023 full year results 01.31.2024 FinancialDBRS confirms the ratings of the Cassa Centrale Group and upgrades the trend to positive 01.17.2024 FinancialGreen Agreement Between the Cassa Centrale Group and SACE to Support the Sustainable Transition of Businesses 2023 12.05.2023 Financial Price SensitiveCassa Centrale Group remains significantly above the minimum capital threshold requirements set in the SREP letter 11.09.2023 FinancialCassa Centrale Banca’s ratings confirmed in the ‘Investment Grade’ area by Fitch 10.05.2023 FinancialMegamark takes loan of €15 million from the Cassa Centrale Group for energy transition and the reduction of environmental impact 09.28.2023 FinancialClaris Leasing and Banca del Veneto Centrale in support of the ICM Group for an investment programme of €6 million within the scope of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) 09.01.2023 FinancialFirst half-year results confirm Cassa Centrale Group's growth trajectory 07.28.2023 Financial Price SensitiveAnnouncement of the 2023 EBA Stress Test results: capital strength and resilience of Cassa Centrale Group confirmed at the top of the European Banking System 07.10.2023 FinancialThe Cassa Centrale Group approves the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan 06.21.2023 FinancialCassa Centrale Banca acquires full ownership of Prestipay S.p.A., the consumer credit company created from the joint venture with Deutsche Bank 06.05.2023 FinancialMoody’s withdraws its ratings upon Cassa Centrale Banca's request 04.24.2023 Financial Price SensitiveCassa Centrale Group: Determination of MREL requirements 03.15.2023 Financial Price SensitiveCassa Centrale Group: Results for the year 2022 02.09.2023 Financial Price SensitiveCassa Centrale Banca successfully concludes the issue of a bond of 500 million euro 02.02.2023 FinancialDBRS Morningstar confirms Cassa Centrale Banca’s ‘Investment Grade’ BBB (low) rating 2022 12.15.2022 Financial Price SensitiveCassa Centrale Group significantly above the minimum capital threshold requirements set in the SREP letter 11.28.2022 Financial Price SensitiveMoody’s assigns Cassa Centrale Banca's deposit ratings “Baa2” and Issuer ratings “Ba2” 11.22.2022 Financial Price SensitiveFitch assigns a long term rating of “BBB-” to Cassa Centrale Banca, including it in the “Investment Grade” category. 10.24.2022 FinancialEUR 200 million from CDP to the Cassa Centrale Banca to support Italian SMEs and Mid-Caps in the manufacturing sector 08.17.2022 FinancialCassa Centrale Group: half year report